Lentil & Hummus Salad


Eating a healthy vegetarian diet requires some planning ahead and for that I have developed a system. Each night when I cook dinner for my fiance and myself, I always make a third portion that I can pack to bring for lunch at work the next day. But what if we go out to eat or there wasn’t enough left over? Being fortunate enough to have many vegetarian options near me in Los Angeles, I have of course found a few favorite spots that I frequent in these cases.

I also have a few tricks up my sleeve for healthy vegetarian meals that can be thrown together with just a few store-bought ingredients. Once quick trip to the grocery store and you have a healthy lunch – and you know exactly how it was prepared. This salad is a favorite for me on days that I didn’t bring a packed lunch. A quick, easy, low-calorie, high nutrient vegetarian meal.

3 cups of your favorite greens – for this combo I used organic 50/50 spring mix and spinach
2 Tbsp your favorite hummus
1 cup lentil salad (I got mine at Sprouts)

How To
Spread hummus on the plate and top with greens and lentil salad. Done!

Lentil Hummus Salad

This could easily be made with homemade hummus and lentil salad and I plan on posting recipes for those soon.

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